Marketing & Design

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    Order Promo Cards

    Order 4×6″ conference promo cards to advertise with students in person! 

    Vision Promotional Videos

    **NEW** Vision Hype Video (2024)

    Audience: perfect for any international students, large groups or individuals


    Length: 1:16


    Overview: Short, energetic video that gives an excellent overview of Vision. Perfect introduction to Vision for anyone unfamiliar with the conference.



    ‘Experience the Vision Conference’ (2022)

    Audience: perfect for any international students, large groups or individuals


    Length: 2:11


    Overview: Longer than the Hype video, the Timeless video focuses more on student stories. If you have already shown the Hype video to a group, this is a great secondary resource to use to market Vision.



    **NEW** Student Story – Sharon (2024)

    Audience: created for non-Christian students interested in attending Vision, but can be shown to anyone.


    Length: 1:59


    Overview:Sharon’s video was created to answer the question, “Should I attend Vision if I am not a Christian? Will I belong?” Perfect to share one-on-one as you invite non-Christian students to Vision.



    **NEW** Student Story – Jonathan (2024)

    Audience: created for Christian students interested in attending Vision


    Length: 1:57


    Overview: Jonathan is a Ugandan student who attended Vision already professing Christ. He shares about his experiences and what he learned at Vision from a distinctly Christian perspective. This is a great video to show to any Christian students you are inviting to Vision, whether one-on-one or in a Bible study or other small group. This video is not meant for non-Christians.



    ‘Vision For the Nations’ Fundraising Video (2023)

    Audience: ministry partners and churches, both individually and in large groups who have been challenged to give financially to Vision 


    Length: 3:01


    Overview: Created for potential donors who have been asked to invest in Vision through scholarships, this video’s theme is that sending students to Vision impacts not just those students, but also whomever those students encounter and share their faith with, at Vision and beyond.



    Facebook/Instagram Resources

    Facebook Cover

    Use this cover image to advertise on your movement’s Facebook page.

    Right-click and select “Save Image As” to save.

    Instagram Promo Post

    Use this image as a promo post for Instagram, or share by text or Whatsapp, etc.

    Right-click and select “Save Image As” to save.

    Marketing Tips

    Local-Level Recruiting Guide

    Check out the Local-Level Recruiting Guide for a sample process for building local momentum for Vision—if you haven’t begun, start today! Prices go up on November 16, so students will want to sign up and pay before then.

    Campus Spring/Summer Action Plan

    Even though Vision 2024 is months away, NOW is the time to begin preparing! You may be thinking, “How can I get ready for Vision right now?” We are so glad you asked! Our Vision leadership has put together a Vision Marketing resource to help jump start your Vision planning today! You will find suggestions on everything from student recruiting to fundraising to discussing Vision during your end-of-year planning times.


    Slide Presentation Templates for Speakers/Tracks

    If you plan to present slides at the conference, you can find Vision-branded slide presentation templates here.


    Please make your own copy of the template to edit.

    Right-click and select “Save Image As” to save.

    Style Brief

    Please use this Style Brief for reference if making any printed designs for the conference.

    Ambiance Guide

    If your role includes any decorating at the conference, you’ll want to check out this helpful document for ambiance teams. Design your area of the conference to tie in with the overall visual style of this year’s Vision Conference.

    Brand Resources & Contact

    More conference brand assets and guideline documents can be found in the Google Drive ‘Brand’ folder.

    For Vision 2024 design questions, contact:


    Adam Smith
    Vision Creative Design Lead