Special Guests

Lisa Espinelli Chinn

Lisa Espineli Chinn is a spiritual director, accompanying people on their spiritual journey and a leadership mentor, walking alongside others in their leadership challenges. Lisa served for 14 years as the National Director of International Student Ministry of InterVarsity/USA. She has published in the area of international student entry and reentry transition experience. She was a former graduate international student in the US from the Philippines. Lisa shares from her experience of crossing cultures, her rich Asian heritage, and her insights on living and serving in two cultures.

George Varghese

George Varghese is the Jonathan B. Postel Distinguished Professor of Networking in the Computer Science department at UCLA. He was elected to the National Academy of Engineering in 2017, to the National Academy of Inventors in 2020, to the Internet Hall of Fame in 2021, and to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 2022. He has worked on speeding up the Internet and preventing Internet errors. Although he grew up in an orthodox Christian home, he became a committed believer as part of an international student ministry in Raleigh, NC. He has seen the grace and faithfulness of God through many challenges and opportunities.

Andy Rodriguez

Andy serves as the Lead Global Outreach Director at Hill Country Bible Church in Austin Texas, and prior to that he was a pastor and church planter in Nagoya, Japan for 15 years. His passion is to lead and teach and mobilize God’s people to embrace God’s global mission in their life. He is married to Jenny, and they have two young sons. He loves good coffee, watching, playing and coaching baseball, and enjoying the outdoors in Texas!


Proskuneo is a Jesus-centered, multicultural worshiping community. They are based out of Clarkston, GA which is known to be the most diverse square mile in the USA…with over 60 different languages represented. Every year, this group of artists leads worship across the world in dozens of languages, incorporating creativity and community-building in everything they do. They have several multilingual albums available on Spotify and lots of resources on YouTube. Find out more at: www.proskuneo.org